How to set up your own domain name to personalize your online catalogs URL?

How to set up your own domain name to personalize your online catalogs URL?

You can add your own domain name to the Catalog Maker to personalize the URL of your online catalogs. To do so, please follow this procedure:

Log in to the account that you have with your domain provider.

  1. Find your DNS settings. Look for your domain management area, DNS configuration, or similar.
  2. Find the CNAME record in your DNS settings.
  3. Change your subdomain CNAME record to point to For example, if you want your subdomain to point to your catalogs, then change your CNAME record to point to
  4. Save the CNAME Record (usually by clicking Save or Add record or similar).
  5. From your Now In Store settings, set your domain name in the following input, then save:mceclip0.png
  6. Depending on the service you are using, it can take a few minutes up to 24 hours for your new domain to be available.
  7. If you need your catalog to be accessible through a secure URL (SSL), just let us know and we will take care of it (it should take between 24-48 hours)
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